WordPress database error: [Table 'bbqqueens.wp_aawp_logs' doesn't exist]
INSERT INTO wp_aawp_logs ( `id`, `timestamp`, `level`, `user_id`, `component`, `message`, `context` ) VALUES ( NULL, '2025-03-06 18:12:09', 0, 0, 'Product', 'API Response Error <br /> ASIN: <code>B07496957V,B078RXH95C,B07BS6QRQV</code> <br /> Code: InvalidParameterValue<br /> Message: The ItemId B078RXH95C provided in the request is invalid.', '' )

WordPress database error: [Table 'bbqqueens.wp_aawp_logs' doesn't exist]
INSERT INTO wp_aawp_logs ( `id`, `timestamp`, `level`, `user_id`, `component`, `message`, `context` ) VALUES ( NULL, '2025-03-06 18:12:10', 0, 0, 'Product', 'Fetched products with ASIN <code>B07496957V,B078RXH95C,B07BS6QRQV</code> from the API.', '' )

WordPress database error: [Table 'bbqqueens.wp_aawp_logs' doesn't exist]
INSERT INTO wp_aawp_logs ( `id`, `timestamp`, `level`, `user_id`, `component`, `message`, `context` ) VALUES ( NULL, '2025-03-06 18:12:10', 0, 0, 'Product', 'API Response Error <br /> ASIN: <code>B078RXH95C</code> <br /> Code: InvalidParameterValue<br /> Message: The ItemId B078RXH95C provided in the request is invalid.', '' )

WordPress database error: [Table 'bbqqueens.wp_aawp_logs' doesn't exist]
INSERT INTO wp_aawp_logs ( `id`, `timestamp`, `level`, `user_id`, `component`, `message`, `context` ) VALUES ( NULL, '2025-03-06 18:12:11', 0, 0, 'Product', 'Fetched product with ASIN <code>B078RXH95C</code> from the API.', '' )