If you’re looking for some simple step-to-step guidelines on how to use a masterbuilt electric smoker, then you’ve landed on the right page. Whether you’ve bought it for home or commercial use, the masterbuilt electric smoker has become the new real deal.
Using the masterbuilt electric smoker will make you realize how convenient it is to use the smoking method when cooking. It may sound like a hassle at first, but once you’ve given it a try, there’s no looking back. Concerns related to its complicated nature will be gone for sure.
We’ve also included some useful ways to clean your masterbuilt electric smoker as well as tips which will come in handy if you’re new to electric smoking.
Let’s get started.
Great Deal (upto 81%): Masterbuilt MB20071117 Digital Electric Smoker

Step-to-Step Guide: How to Use a Masterbuilt Electric Smoker?
Follow these twelve easy steps, and you’re good to go.
Number 1: Season Your Smoker
Seasoning the masterbuilt electric smoker is important before it is ready for use. The right way to do this is different when it comes to electric smoking as compared to a charcoal smoker.
Making sure that all the oil, dust, or other substances present on the smoker due to manufacturing are burnt off is the main aim with an electric smoker. Using machine oil wouldn’t be the healthiest option, so it is better to follow these steps instead.
- Make sure that all the smoker equipment such as the water box is in its proper place. It is important to ensure that no water is in the pan.
- Plug the electric smoker into your nearest socket and use the power button to switch it on.
- Set the temperature to 275 degrees Fahrenheit.
- The next step is to set the timer to three hours (180 minutes).
- After that, add half a cup of wood chips in the chip loading tray in the last 45 minutes to finish the smoker’s pre-seasoning process.
- Let it cool down once the three hours are over by switching it off.
Your smoker is now ready to use for the first time.
Number 2: Get Your Meat Ready
The way you prepare your meat will depend on which recipe you have in mind. Different recipes require different ingredients for seasoning and different marinating times. Get your meat ready according to the recipe you’re following. We recommend you to marinate your meat for at least a few hours to get the best flavors.
Number 3: Switch the Smoker on for Preheating
Here are preheating steps to follow!
- Put in wood chips to a cold smoker before you switch it on.
- Preheat the smoker for 45 minutes before you add in food.
- Add Half a cup of wood chips at one time.
- Add in the other half cup once the first batch stops producing smoke.
- Avoid adding foil on the racks as it hinders heat circulation.
Number 4: Set the Perfect Cooking Temperature
The accurate temperature to get perfect results, especially for dishes including meat and fish, is 225 degrees Fahrenheit.
Number 5: Put in More Wood Chips and Refill the Smoker’s Water Pan
Put in more wood chips if the first batch has stopped producing smoke. Make sure to add only half a cup at a time. Don’t overdose the smoker with wood chips because this will affect your food results.
Use the instruction manual and refill the smoker’s water pan accordingly. The water turns to steam and helps in keeping meat soft and juicy during the smoking period. Here is an excellent video to help you learn how to use the masteruilt smoker.
Number 6: Your Masterbuilt Smoker is Ready to Cook!
When you feel that there is enough smoke, you can add the meat into your smoker. You should place the meat on top of the grill trays that come with the smoker.
Number 7: Keep the Meat Moist
The cooking time of the meat depends on three factors: the thickness, size of the meat, and the temperature required to cook it. In order to keep your meat moist, you need to baste your meat after approximately two-thirds of its cooking time. For example, if a particular kind of meat needs three hours to cook, it is recommended to baste it around after two hours of cooking.
Number 8: Put in More Wood Chips During the Smoking Process
In order to get the best results, we advise you to keep a check on the wood chips. As mentioned repeatedly, make sure to only add half a cup at a time. Keep observing how much smoke is being produced and if you feel it’s not enough, just add more wood chips.
Don’t worry if you notice a rise in temperature due to adding more wood chips – it’s normal. It will go back to the original temperature shortly, so there’s no need to manually fix it.
Number 9: Add Sauce for Final Touches (Optional)
Who doesn’t like some extra delicious sauce on their meat? You can add a nice barbecue sauce or any other sauce of your own choice 45 minutes before taking it out of the smoker. Not only will this enhance the taste of your food, but it will also make it instantly ready to eat straight out of the smoker.
Number 10: Take the Meat Out of the Smoker and Indulge
Your meal is ready! Remove it from the smoker and enjoy with your friends and family. But don’t get too comfortable because you still have to clean up which brings us to our next step.
Number 11: Switch off the Smoker and Allow it to Cool Down
That wasn’t too hard, was it? Using a masterbuilt electric smoker is no rocket science. Remember that it is important to let it cool down for your own safety before you can clean it.
Number 12: It’s Time to Clean up
Don’t get lazy and make sure you complete all the steps. Leaving the cleaning process until the next time you use your smoker can become a problem for you as it’ll be twice as hard as it is right now.
Clueless about how to clean your smoker? Don’t worry, because we’ve covered that for you. Read on to get familiar with the cleaning process.
Step-to-Step Guide: How to Clean a Masterbuilt Electric Smoker?
Follow five simple steps to easily clean your masterbuilt electric smoker.
- The main equipment to clean is the smoking rack, drip pan, water bowl, and grate supports. Wash off all the food and dirt particles using a detergent.
- You can remove the wood chips by just slightly shaking the equipment. Ash can be cleared out with any brush. A paintbrush would be suitable too.
- It is crucial to make sure that wood chips and ash have cooled down and dried out before they are disposed of for your safety.
- A slightly wet cloth can be used to clean the interior of the smoker such as the meat probe, walls, and the glass door.
- Keep in mind to wipe the seal of the inner door properly. This is to make sure that the seal remains efficient the next time you use it.
Tips and Tricks to Follow for the Best Experience
These tips will be super useful if you’re a first time user of the masterbuilt electric smoker.
- Check the accuracy of the meat probe by using iced water. The ideal temperature is around 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The accuracy of the meat probe will make sure your food is heating properly.
- It is helpful to have multiple meat probes to ensure accuracy. Meat probes are not pricey, and easily available with Bluetooth installed in them as well.
- Adding foil on the drip pan and heat deflector can speed up the cleaning process. However, as mentioned earlier, do not add foil on the grills as this hinders proper heat circulation.
- It is recommended that you use only one batch of wood chips when cooking chicken. Over smoking chicken can make it taste bad.
- Make your masterbuilt electric smoker more durable by keeping it indoors and covered by a plastic bag. This will keep it away from dust and rain and will make it more long-lasting, giving you a run for your money.
- Make sure to clean the grills regularly. This saves a lot of time and effort as opposed to letting the meat dry and harden on the grills for long periods of time. This can create a lot of hassle when you finally decide to clean your smoker.
- Cold smoker attachments are available which make it possible for you to smoke all kinds of cheese and fish on the same electric smoker.
- Contact customer service immediately without wasting time in case of any complaints. They are usually very accommodating.
We Hope You’re Convinced!
We hope we’ve provided some useful insight on how to use and clean your new masterbuilt electric smoker. Reading the tips and tricks section should also help new users in getting the best electric smoker experience.
Check out this buying guide and review article for the best electric smokers of 2019 if you’re still confused about which masterbuilt electric smoker to buy. This will provide a comparison between the different masterbuilt electric smoker models. You will also get to know about electric and charcoal smokers. On the whole, the Masterbuilt 40″ Electric Smoker with Bluetooth is a good option to consider. Going through its pros and cons will help you decide further.
Good luck!
Last Updated on August 17, 2020 by Judith Fertig
Brian says
I have a Masterbuilt and was wondering if it is ok to put smoker on its back and travel with it to the lake house , the one I had before sat down in my basket attached to my truck but the new one will be to high for that
Judith Fertig says
Hello, thank you for your interest in the article. What’s your new 0ne?
Brett Breaux says
I have a concern,when I’m using my masterbuilt electric smoker the chips smoke fine but they don’t burn to ash so when I add more seems it doesn’t smoke like it should
Deborah Devney says
The timer won’t go above 24 minutes. Why don’t you address this in your FAQ? Why can’t we call for help when we’d be using the smoker? Most people aren’t at home smoking stuff during your alleged service hours? When I tried the form, it kept telling me there was something I had to fill out, but the only thing I didn’t fill out was returning the smoker.